Online Payday Loans FAQ
Do you want to know all information on Payday Loans? If yes then you are at the right place. is providing all the answers of the questions which are frequently asked by clients and customers. Go through this Payday Loans Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (FAQs).
What are payday loans?
Payday loan is nothing but a short term loans offered immediately, so borrower can meet their financial need. The loan amount which is offered differs from one lender to other. We offer loan which range from $100 to $1000 for 14 to 15 days.
Who can qualify?
- Any citizen of United States America whose age is more than 18
- Employed and monthly salary must be more than $1000
- Borrower having bank account for deposit
- Have not charged with bank fraud
How much time does it take to get payday loans approved?
It depends on the lender policies. It is necessary to tell you that if you have all the documents which are required or if you fulfill all the requirements then we will approve your loan within few hours and the money will be transferred into your bank account within one business day.
How much amount can I borrow?
The amount which you can borrow depends on the state in which you are living. By the way, we provide loan ranging from $100 to $1000.
What types of documents I have to provide?
- Proof of active checking bank account
- Proof of income
- Driver’s License
- State Issued I.D card
Can I apply for loan if I have bad credit?
Yes, if you are applying at then it is possible that your loan application will be approved, because, we provide loan to those people who have bad credit or poor credit.
How is the loan received?
Once, your loan is approved the money will be electronically transferred into your bank account.
When to repay loan amount?
The repayment date of payday loan is already mentioned on the loan application form. Apart from this, we send email to our clients and customer regarding repayment date. Generally, you have to repay the loan within 14 to 15 days.
What will happen if I am unable to repay loan on time?
First you will be informed for the repayment. If you will not respond and refuse to repay the loan amount then legal action would be taken against you and you will be charged extra amount. Therefore, it is necessary to repay payday loans amount on time.